That's how I would describe my recent trip to NYC. I spent 2 & a half days there and came back physically exhausted but emotionally and intellectually energized.
Here're a few sweet moments:
My virtual-turn-reality friend's 4-year-old daughter, both of whom I met for the very first time, told me, "You are very pretty. I love you!"
Eating an Argentinian ice-cream cone for the first time! Mate - south american green tea - was my flavor of choice. I'll eat it again in a heartbeat. Even better than gelato...yum!
My 11-month niece, whom I also met for the first time, played with me on my lap for an hour.
My mother-in-law gave me a brown bag lunch Monday morning as I was heading to work.
My new-found friend (you know who you are - *wink *wink - thanks!) got me a gift which, unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to take because of schedule conflicts.
More about my trip later.