Howdy partner. I stumbled upon this blog site by accident. To my surprised, I was from H.K. and lived Texas. That was 28 years ago. I assumed you had a better cultural experience than me when my family was the ONLY Asian family in town. The experience of being the ONLY Asian in a southern school during the 80’s is priceless and I will never forget. I cherish those timeless moments and experience. It was pleasant to read your writing and will visit your two blog sites regularity.
thanks for stopping by! well, i have to say, after 20 something years, the experience of being an Asian in central Texas hasn't improved too much - or at least not as much as i would want it to be.
moving here after having been in California for 5 years has really opened my eyes. like they like to say, Texas is a country of its own.
if you don't mind telling, which part of Texas were you in?
周游, Thanks! I'm still trying to figure out how to make the size of my banner fits perfectly. It looks a bit small right now. But overall, I'm pretty happy with it.
Howdy partner.
I stumbled upon this blog site by accident. To my surprised, I was from H.K. and lived Texas. That was 28 years ago. I assumed you had a better cultural experience than me when my family was the ONLY Asian family in town. The experience of being the ONLY Asian in a southern school during the 80’s is priceless and I will never forget. I cherish those timeless moments and experience. It was pleasant to read your writing and will visit your two blog sites regularity.
good bye, partner...
hong kong loudspeakers,
thanks for stopping by! well, i have to say, after 20 something years, the experience of being an Asian in central Texas hasn't improved too much - or at least not as much as i would want it to be.
moving here after having been in California for 5 years has really opened my eyes. like they like to say, Texas is a country of its own.
if you don't mind telling, which part of Texas were you in?
btw, i'm visiting my folks in HK right now.
see you around...
I lived in Sweetwater, TX.
Have a hot as hell time in hk...
an eye-soothing layout! love it:)
Thanks! I'm still trying to figure out how to make the size of my banner fits perfectly. It looks a bit small right now. But overall, I'm pretty happy with it.
這大概就是所謂的"物以類聚" 吧!
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