Thursday, July 26, 2007

憶九龍皇帝: 陳年舊詩一則

這詩寫於十多年前, 昨天閱報得悉曾灶財的死訊, 想起這詩有點反映他的生平 (雖然寫的時候不是以他作描繪對象的), 所以在此不要臉公開詩作, 以表示我對皇上的一點敬意.

A Monologue



Cannot cry, cannot

Die. Look at my

Eyes! There's

Fire inside! I have

Gallantry. I have pride.

Heaven knows I do.

I'm a great hero, though now in this

Jail I lie. Yet

Knave shall never be my name.

Loyalty lives within


No. Never.

O how can I surrender to these

People! They keep asking me these stupid

Questions. When

R they going to under-

Stand? Wait! It's them!

There comes the people again.

Unwelcome by me, they flee and come back for


What is it that they're injecting to me? No, no...

X-cape! Run! I tell myself. But

Y? I can't.


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