Friday, August 31, 2007
Interesting Article on Newspapers in the U.S.
Demographics of American Newspapers
1. The Wall Street Journal is read by the people who run the country.
2. The Washington Post is read by people who think they run the country.
3. The New York Times is read by people who think they should run the country and who are very good at crossword puzzles.
4. USA Today is read by people who think they ought to run the country, but don't really understand The New York Times. They do, however, like their statistics shown in pie charts.
5. The Los Angeles Times is read by people who wouldn't mind running the country -- if they could find the time -- and if they didn't have to leave Southern California to do it.
6. The Boston Globe is read by people whose parents used to run the country and did a far superior job of it, thank you very much.
7. The New York Daily News is read by people who aren't too sure who's running the country and don't really care as long as they can get a seat on the train.
8. The New York Post is read by people who don't care who's running the country as long as they do something really scandalous, preferably while intoxicated.
9. The Miami Herald is read by people who are running another country but need the baseball scores.
10. The San Francisco Chronicle is read by people who aren't sure there is a country . . or that anyone is running it; but if so, they oppose all that they stand for. There are occasional exceptions if the leaders are handicapped minority feminist atheist dwarfs who also happens to be illegal aliens from any other country or galaxy, provided of course, that they are not Republicans.
11. The National Enquirer is read by people trapped in line at the grocery store.
12. The Sacramento Bee is read by people who have recently caught a fish and need something in which to wrap it.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
回到公司,又看到了紐約時報一則新聞,內容大致是保護動物團體Peta開展了一個以吃肉會導致global warming為主題的宣傳計劃.
吃肉本身是不會導致地球升溫的;大量及不當的飼養方式才是global warming的原凶.Peta這趟亂扣帽子,便令人非常反感了.
Monday, August 27, 2007
不要說我跟朋友未必能暢所欲言,更令人難以置信的是,我跟丈夫結婚五年多,還是不知該怎麼稱呼他.不知怎的,我實在不能接受自己喚他作honey, baby之類的暱稱,但叫他的名字又太生外,我有時索性叫他"喂"便算了.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
My Other Self
Friday, August 17, 2007
到我中學時開始有家政課,第一樣老師教我們做的便是雲吞.那周未趕緊在家動手做, 母親吃後大讚不絶--我媽是個最偏私的食評,但凡是我做的東西,她只會說好.也許我便是在她不斷鼓勵下對煮食愈來愈有興趣,愈煮愈有信心了.畢業以後,便很少自己開灶,更遑論要包雲吞了.
另一款是以魚肉加紅蘿蔔,魚可以是任何白肉魚,我喜歡用朧脷,因為就算不是游水鮮魚,味道也還算鮮,而且骨大易去.做法跟上述的菜肉餡大致相同,紅蘿蔔同樣要以鹽抓過,隔去水份, 再跟魚肉碎拌勻便可.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Racist, really?
So what actually happened? It's not that big a deal, really. But a group from a major oil company in Vietnam took a visit to where I work. One of the group members was extremely rude, and my colleague, who's a relatively young lady who grew up in Texas and didn't have a lot of experience working with people from other cultures (Well, in Texas, you're a foreigner if you're from California. Imagine that.). She got a little offended by the Vietnamese guy because he kept asking her to take pictures for him in a very rude manner - no thank you or please, & gesturing instead of speaking. I was suspecting this made her think that Vietnamese are very rude in general. And, because of how she reacted, it's easy for an outsider to think she is discriminatory toward Vietnamese.
It is, of course, unfair to make generalizations like this. But at the same time, it is easy if this is your only encounter with people from that culture. Depending on the context, an individual does not only represent his/her self, but also the family, community, and culture that one is from.
I remember when I was in Hong Kong, my foreigner friends would complain to me that Chinese are racist. I never understood why. I think Hong Kong people are generally not racist. They're just discriminatory to people with no money.
Is it racist to call a Caucasian gweilo/gweipor (ghost man/ghost woman)? I genuinely don't think so. When we say gwei, we don't really mean anything bad about the westerner we're addressing to. It's just a name that we've been using for so many years that it's hard to change.
My husband is black. When we're in Hong Kong, some people would call him haak gwei (black ghost). At first, I felt a little uneasy about the name. But after a while, I realize that it's just a name that distinguishes him from other ghosts.
One time when we were driving in Houston, we asked a passerby how to get to China town. This person was obviously not very educated. He gave us the directions and then he said, "You'll see a lot of Chinamen there."
So was he being racist? Probably not. I know some Chinese get really upset about the name Chinaman. But I think, at least in this incident, that the guy was just using a phrase that he knew. He didn't know better. What did he know about racism, honestly? When he was giving us directions, he looked nothing but genuinely eager to help.
It's a fine line between racism and otherwise. But in the U.S., I feel like some people are using every chance they get to accuse someone of being racist so as to take advantage of it.
Take the N-word for example. It's okay for a black stand-up comedian to address himself by the N-word, but if any white person say an African-American (This term is itself problematic. My husband hates it. He's of African heritage but is from the Carribeans. So he never considers himself an "African".) is an N----, it's an absolute no-no.
Especially in the U.S., I think a lot of politicians are using the race issue as a tool to get what they want.
It's easy to say someone is racist, but before we make the accusation, we should really think about the motives or reason behind the obvious.
P.S. 這陣子事忙,整個星期沒有新post,這兩天會趕快寫文會眾,請見諒!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Guilt of a Working Mom
One thing I know for sure is that I don't want to be a stay-home mom. I am by no means a workaholic nor am I career-crazy. I just know that I'm not, and never will be, a good housewife. It's probably an excuse, but I have to say I suck at household chores. I can keep the house moderately clean and organized, but never spotless, an interestingly sharp contrast to what my husband can do.
Yet on the other hand, I have this increasing urge to spend more time with my son, especially when he'll be starting real school in just a few years. I want to be there when he comes home from school and help him with his homework. I want to do art projects with him. I want to make him treats while he's doing his homework. My mom is a housewife, and I know how precious the experience is for a child to have someone by your side whenever you need help and guidance.
I feel bad that I don't spend enough time with my kid - between working, cooking and sleeping, I probably spend no more than 3 hours a day with my son (well, except for the weekends). At the same time, the idea of being a housewife drives me nuts. And, so there's this strong sense of guilt in me that I don't know how to deal with.
Men don't struggle as much, if at all, on this issue. Women are supposed to nurture their children, not men. I know this is the 21st century and everything, but I guess I'm more of a traditionalist than I think.
Anyway, I'll use the next few months to explore what options I have in life, and make sense of what's best for me and my family.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
熟知新聞運作的朋友, 都應該知道一篇報導刋出之前, 起碼要通過幾個關口, 才可得見天日. 就是規模較小的媒體, 也最少要經由寫手到排版到編輯過目才可出街. 今次的事件, 除了反映出部份中國媒介工作者的不認真, 還透示了當代中國的另一嚴峻危機 -- 欠缺標準的建制.
從食物安全到假新聞, 中國出品給人的感覺是anything goes, 沒有甚麼是不可能的, 今天是有毒牙膏, 明天又可以是紙皮大包, 無規無矩, 話乜就乜. 長此下去, 公信力盡失之餘, 經濟損失更是沉重.
這些問題的存在, 我個人認為是現代中國欠缺一套批判好與壞的完備準則, 所以很多東西都是做了出來便可以了, 凡事都只求形似, 內涵是甚麼都不打緊. 就算出了事, 當事人也會理直氣壯的跟你說: "一分錢一分貨嘛!"
我有一位大陸來的同事, 是大學裡的研究生, 工作態良好, 做事也挺勤快, 可就是不理解 "標準" 的重要. 每次我要她替我做一些資料搜集, 她總是把資料從網上結集到同一文案上便交給我, 完全沒有經過編輯過濾, 字體大小顏色不一, 版面也一點沒有修飾, 看得我頭昏腦脹. 嘗試跟她解釋formatting的重要, 她卻認為那只是西方人愛玩的花臣而已, 中國人還是要踏實點好. 結果我要跟她多番對話, 才讓她了解有一些基本是必須的.
撇開存心撿財的奸商不說, 內地一些生意人之所以出售次貨, 可能只是出於無知. 在缺乏產品及行業認識的情形下開展有關生意, 加上業內沒有基本準則可循, 他們天真的以為甲原料與乙原料的唯一不同只是價錢的高低, 於是便毫不猶豫的捨貴取廉, 釀成惡果.
你會說, 難道他們連一點點的常識也沒有嗎? 要知道所謂的常識, 是我們日常經驗與文化洗滴下得出來的, 內地人在跟我們完全不一樣的文化下成長, 培育出來的常識自然與我們的有些出入了. 我們的理所當然, 可能是他們的為甚麼不.
我不是要為誰辯護, 只是希望從另一個角度看這問題, 試圖找出解決辦法. 有時我會想, 這一輩的中國人是後文革一代, 要在拋卻所有傳統準則之後再找出新標準, 實在並不易為, 但若不加快腳步趕齊國際步伐, 我恐怕中國會在經濟起飛的高峰上被重重擲下, 落得遍體鱗傷.